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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Medical Mobility Scooters

Things You Should Know About Medical Mobility Scooters
By Devilito

Medical mobility scooters are electrically powered scooters with four or three wheel. Stroke survivors, people with limited mobility, those with severe arthritis and the elderly are often used medical mobility scooters. Now’s scooter is easy to transport and lightweight. The earlier versions of scooters were bulky and slow.

Medical mobility scooter which have three wheel can support 250 pounds. And to weight up to 400 pounds can supported by the scooter that has four wheel. However, when in not in use, medical mobility scooters which have three wheel and four wheel can be folded into separate sections. That makes medical mobility scooter fairly easy transport in vans, cars, and trucks. The much more popular of medical mobility scooters are electrically powered, but there are gas powered models available.

To help the physically impaired operate medical mobility scooters more easily; they offer many features. These features are a headlight, a locking mechanism, a swivel seat, basket in the back and an adjustable seat. Medical mobility scooters are also available in variety colors and models.

Most Medical mobility scooters have reasonably priced. Starting at only $800 offered by many companies for new medical mobility scooters. It cost you over $5,000., if you want a top of the line scooter with all the bells and whistles. You may wish purchase a pre-owned scooter from your dealer, if you are on a strict budget.

Over a motorized wheelchair, medical mobility scooter has several advantages. The most important advantages are portability and maneuverability.

Now day, many different brands flooded the scooter market. Just a few are Trail Blazer, Ranger, Easy Light, Wheelcare, Pacesaver, Invacare and Honda. All brands of medical scooters can be bought at online or local outlets, depending on the needs of the buyer.

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a TV show during the 90's. Good for the rainy season.
